Since 2003, over 87,000 Montanans have logged
more than 15.3 million activity miles.

Montana Amateur Sports/Big Sky State Games
Box 7136
Billings, MT 59103

How Can We Help?

Fill out the following form with any questions that you may have. We've also listed our contact information should you want to give us a call.

  Activation Issues
Activation emails are sent shortly after a team is registered. In some cases, these emails are being blocked by your company's IT/network administrator. To overcome this limitation, we've provided the team captains a method for copying each team member's activation URL. They can log in and change any information, resend these activation emails, and even copy/share each team member's activation URL.

  Can't Log In?
If you've forgotten a password or can't log in, you can try resetting your password.

  Physical Address

Montana Amateur Sports
Big Sky State Games

490 N 31st Suite #200
Billings, Mt 59101
Hours: M-F 9am-5pm
Closed 12pm-1pm for Lunch

  Mailing Address

Montana Amateur Sports
Big Sky State Games

Box 7136
Billings, MT 59103

  Contact Information

Shape Up Montana is a program of the Big Sky State Games.
Copyright ©2025 Montana Amateur Sports - All Rights Reserved